From this site you will be able to navigate to:
Home section
This is the first section you will see when you logon to the Client Portal you can access a number of features here including changing your password, check your contact details, check Risk Profile access your portfolio, produce reports and even contact your adviser.
My Information section
In this section you can check Goals and objectives, Income and Expenditure, Risk Profile as well as access the My Details information (which includes contact details etc).
My Portfolio section
This section allows you to see a summary and details of all assets and liabilities that your adviser has recorded.
Documents section
The documents section shows any documents that your adviser has shared with you. You can download the documents showing in this section.
File Notes section
This section contains shared file notes from your adviser, you can even check the status of these file notes being unread, read and acknowledged.
Cash flow Monitoring section
This section is built to monitor your ongoing Income and Expenses, this can be setup in conjunction with your adviser.
Newsletters Section
This Section contains any newsletters that been sent out to you in the past by your adviser.
User Profile section
This area has three shortcuts Contact My Adviser, Update My Password, and also has the Logout button.