TWO88 Affiliates
We work in partnerships to support you acheive your goals
TWO88 Affiliates
Our affiliates aid and expand the capabilities of TWO88 to provide goals based advice to our clients.
Infocus - Infocus is the holder of Australian Financial Services License No. 236523. With a strong focus on compliance and client best interest advice, they provide us with systems, support, ongoing training and professional development. Infocus is a national wealth management group based in Queensland. Infocus are not owned by any of the major banks or other product providers. Infocus has grown to become one of Australia’s leading wealth managers, with an expanding national footprint of expertly trained Financial Advisers and support staff. We are proud to be affiliated with the Infocus Group.
BEAGLE - Beagle Finance Pty Ltd (ACN 140 290 268) hold an Australian Credit License No.383640. Beagle provide us with key systems and support, ongoing training and professional development. In 2013, the Finsure Group acquired Beagle Finance Pty Ltd and set out to be the fastest growing aggregation business in the industry. Through its support and partnership with independent brands, the group has achieved that goal. Currently working with over 1000 brokers, and have established a loan book of over $20 billion, we are proud to be affiliated with the Finsure Group.